If you love playing slot games and have visited a few online casinos as well as land-based ones just to get your fill of the adrenaline-pumping game, then you will have noticed something about these slots. A lot of them have a recurring theme, even though they have different titles, different looks, and different designs. Some themes seem to be more prevalent than others and this is because they’ve been proven to attract more players than others.
What are the most popular slot themes in the world as of 2019? Here are some of the favorites that people go back to again and again and again:
Movie Slots – Yes, people who love movies are sure to love slot games that are based on these movies. There are lots of movie slots that you can find being made by providers for their customers. These include online slots games and games that can be found in land-based casinos worldwide. The most popular movie-themed slots include blockbuster hits like Ghostbusters, Batman the Dark Knight, and even the comedy The Hangover. Also worth noting is that superhero movies are also part of this genre and have become fast favorites by those who love movies and comic book characters that have been personified in movies. Some of the movie slots that center on superhero characters include Marvel superheroes like The Hulk, Captain America, and even the Avengers.
Egyptian Slots – Yes, Egyptian themed slots are still one of the top choices when it comes to slot games. It’s not surprising though that machines that carry this theme is a favorite. After all, the lure of massive wealth through treasures buried deep in the sand and in the pyramids is one fantasy a lot of people have. Imagine winning big in such a machine and imagining that you’ve just found a treasure trove in one of the temples that you entered in a game that you played. The feeling of satisfaction and joy at such a find is sure to make you feel like the luckiest person alive, even if what you won on the machine doesn’t actually compare to the treasures on the reels.
Oriental/Asian Slots – Aside from taking a trip to Egypt via the slot machines you play in online casinos you frequent, you can also take a side trip to any of the countries in Asia via these games. Call it your slot machine world tour, if you must. Oriental slots come in many forms and designs. Some feature characters that are from China while there are some that use Japan as their country of choice. There are some that choose India as their theme for this particular region-inspired machine and a few that use less popular cities and countries in the area. Most Oriental or Asian slots however feature China. This is because this country has a very rich history that includes warriors, geisha, temples, symbols of luck, and many more. You can find Oriental-themed slots or Asian slots that feature lucky koi, feng shui symbols, terracotta warriors, ancient jade jewelry, and so on.
Classic Fruit Slots – Yes, fruit slots are also very popular among slots gamers, particularly those who want a touch of nostalgia to be included in their online slot gaming. Not all fruit slot machines that people play however are the old-fashioned, three-reel, single payline ones that used to populate the halls of old casinos in the 1960s. A lot of these may use the classic fruit symbols people are used to, like cherries, oranges, lemons, and grapes, but in five-reel video slot machines. These often feature a lot of special rounds that make the game more interesting and challenging, even though the symbols are classic and old-fashioned ones. There are a few truly classic fruit slots around that you can play, if you want that blast-from-the-past feeling to engulf you. These usually have one to three paylines and are made to look just like the old slot cabinets that made Vegas into the popular gambling mecca it is.
Horror-Themed Slots – Vampires, ghouls, zombies, ghosts, werewolves, and even haunted houses have all had their turn at becoming the central focus of slot machines you can find online. The trend of using these scary creatures in slot machines continues to this day. Some machines even feature the queen of hell herself, Lilith, in a series of slots games that include expanded six-reel options, more active paylines, and even Christmas themed ones. Vampires seem to be the all-time favorite when it comes to horror themes, with haunted houses coming in a close second, and ghosts coming in a close third. There are lots of slots games that feature ghouls, zombies, and even movies that are horror-themed, combining two of the most popular slot themes in one game.
Fantasy Themed Slots – If you love fairies, leprechauns, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and other lovely fantasy themes, then you’re in luck. A lot of providers developed slots centering on this theme in the past year and a lot more are in the hopper for future release. Included in this genre are machines that revolve around underwater mythical creatures like mermaids and even the Kraken. Also part of this theme are slots that feature fairy tale characters, mythical characters from Greek or Roman folklore, and slots that feature wizards and magic. These slots may also feature backgrounds that show you where these fantasy themes come from. For example, slots that center on leprechauns often show you the rolling hills of Ireland and other symbols synonymous with the country where such characters come from.
TV Show Slots – While these aren’t as popular as their movie counterparts, they do still have a following these days. The popularity of the slot game is often dependent on the popularity of the TV show it is featuring. Some of the more popular TV show centric machines you will find online include Star Trek, Pawn Stars, American Idol, and CSI. You can even find slot games that center on popular cartoon shows like South Park and Family Guy.